Privacy Policy

Very Vinyl are committed to respecting your privacy and treat all information as private and confidential. We will only use information supplied by you for the purpose of processing your order and providing customer service. You may receive emails from our company regarding your current open orders and our newsletter with special offers and announcements. Your email address is used solely for this purpose. You may choose not to receive our newsletter at any time.

We do not and will not sell or release information provided by you to any other third parties, except when in connection with your order(s) to our approved courier, or in exceptional cases of debt recovery. Unless required by law.

All Credit and Debit card transactions are processed by our third party processor Stripe or Paypal, on their Secure Server using SSL. Please note that we will never ask for your Credit/Debit Card information by email. Very Vinyl do not collect or store any credit card details.

If you have any further queries regarding privacy, then please feel free to contact us.